Tuesday, November 8, 2011


The Results are in....


Let's recap: Eric and I decided to have the recurrent miscarriage test for the two types of blood clotting disorders/auto-immune. Also I had my glucose levels test, due to the PCOS. 

All came back normal! I'm super excited because it a huge relief but also a little sad because the reason I've lost two babies is still unknown to me. Yes, they were probably just freak accidents that "just" happened. There is another chromosomal test we can do if it happens again. We will be getting Eric's semen analysis done to double check him. I will be taking a baby aspirin a day just as a pro-cation. My RE has seen those two test come back fine but the ladies still have miscarriage, they go on baby aspirin and they get pregnant and stay pregnant! That's what I want and I will take another pill a day to get that!

We will be starting clomid again once AF shows her face and we will go from there. My clomid amount will not change seeing as it's worked. I'm thinking about doing an IUI to make sure good spremies get up there and it gives me a little bit higher of a chance to make sure they get to the eggs!

I will update once I know more but for once, I am happy with a negative/normal test!

Fingers crossed for a August or September baby!!

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