A blog I follow has been through SO much over the last 5 months. She had her first baby Nov 2009 through IVF and recently they've been working on number 2. She's gone through FET cycles, another fresh IVF cycle and finally another FET cycle. Through it all she's had 3 miscarriages and finally she is healthy and pregnant with baby #2. Reading and following, hoping and praying for her it has given me some hope. Hope that I'm not alone and sometimes what you are going through, others are going through something a lot worse. Life is full of unpredictable moments, especially with a life of infertility. I just hope that my miracle baby #2 will be with us shortly. The passion and want is getting so high. Thankfully, I have Claire that settles it most of the time with her 2 year old behavior! It gives me the patients I need to hold on, to know that sometime I will have baby #2 in my belly and then in my arms.
I took my last Clomid pill on Sunday. Now here we are, it's Tuesday. I've been a little crampy on and off. Not sure if that means I am going to ovulated sooner then my u/s appointment (which is day 14) or if my ovaries are working in over drive making more then one egg to release. I'm okay with twins. I actually had a dream around the time I lost baby "Sam", that next time I get pregnant I will be pregnant with twins because "Sam" was taking away to soon from me so God would bless me with two miracle babies. No matter one or two. I will be thrilled!
At least this month, I know I have a chance. A chance like everyone else who is "normal". I probably just want it 10x worse then those "normal" ladies!
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