WTF is SO what's swirling around in my head! You know how I was waiting for AF to show her head and get cycle 2 going, well she didn't show. I went in for blood work Friday afternoon to see what's up. What's up is I'm "pregnant"! I know right, WTF? I got a negative,no line test last Wednesday night - two days after AF was suppose to be here. NOW you are telling me I'm preggo?! Eric and I were SO confused. My levels are low so either a) it's a natural miscarriage b) it's ectopic c) I ovulated later then except (even with the trigger shot). I don't know what to think but I know for sure I had under 20ml of hcg in my system last Wednesday night and now I have much more! It's crazy. I'm confused and pissed. If my doctor is correct and this is an inconclusive pregnancy, which probably won't work - I'm super pissed. What is up with my freakin' body. Two 1st times getting pregnant but possible two not sticky beans - URGH! It's hard to have hope when your doctor doesn't. He's trying to compare last time with this time - he can't. Last time I got a positive the day after my period and this time I didn't. It was NEGATIVE. So maybe I ovulated late and/or implanted a little later. I don't know what's up but I haven't been the best pregnant girl because I didn't think I was pregnant! OMG! Why, WHY me!
Blood work and u/s tomorrow morning. Hopefully I will know more soon. I guess we can cross our fingers for late ovulation...we shall see!
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Spotting and Waiting
Well I suppose to have AF but instead I have on and off brown/tan spotting. Urgh. Why? Why me? I just want me period to come and we can move on to the next cycle. I've never had this happen to me before. The two times before we got pregnant with Claire, AF started on her own. The last time, no AF = pregnant. Now, nothing. I don't know whats going on. I called my RE office yesterday and she said the NP will call me tomorrow (today). I hope they get me in for a blood test and u/s just to make sure everything is okay. I'm just hoping and wishing that AF will start. Ha, you don't know many people that wish that!
Update soon!
Update soon!
Friday, August 19, 2011
On To The Next...
Well, my test had one line so now I'm just waiting on Aunt Flo to show her ugly, ugly face. Then it will be on to Cycle two. I was sad at first but now I'm fine. I'm fine because I would rather it happen and happen right. Right meaning: healthy and very sticky. Last time it happened the first cycle and it ended in a not so good way. Maybe we are meant for a May baby? That sounds nice to me.
Truthfully, I have some relief in not having to worry because once I see those lovely two lines, the worrying will commence to the highest level it can and that's not fun. I will be thrilled, over joyed and elated that I'm pregnant but now I'm one of those people who have to get past the miscarriage hump and that can feel like light years away.
I know my time will come. Baby Sam is up there with God, waiting for the right moment to help pick out the perfect, super healthy baby brother or sister for Claire. I have faith and hope!
Hopefully I will update soon when I see the Doc!
TGIF everyone.
Truthfully, I have some relief in not having to worry because once I see those lovely two lines, the worrying will commence to the highest level it can and that's not fun. I will be thrilled, over joyed and elated that I'm pregnant but now I'm one of those people who have to get past the miscarriage hump and that can feel like light years away.
I know my time will come. Baby Sam is up there with God, waiting for the right moment to help pick out the perfect, super healthy baby brother or sister for Claire. I have faith and hope!
Hopefully I will update soon when I see the Doc!
TGIF everyone.
Friday, August 12, 2011
Don't Know What to Think or Feel
Well here I sit, 10dpo and I have a few symptoms here and there but I'm seriously not trying to think to much about the whole situation. I'm taking everything day by day. If AF shows, she should be here around Tuesday. I really hope she stays away but I think everyone at 10dpo feels "out". It's natural to have doubts and I'm just trying to be natural!
Symptoms so far:
I'm always wet feeling. My undies have water marks (TMI, I know but it's true). Watery/stretchy cm.
On/off cramps since last week
A little "off" feeling
There are other things but I don't know if it's pregnancy relate or not: gassy, tender boobs on/off since last week(probably progesterone), bloated, stuffy nose, vivid dreams since a few days ago.
Friday, August 5, 2011
I Want Baby
PRAYERS for a healthy, sticky baby(ies)! PLEASE**
I officially hate the TWW!
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Ovulation as occurred (I'm pretty sure). I had some bloating and cramping Tuesday afternoon which would have been over 24 hours since my trigger shot. I think we covered our bases! I'm hoping for good (healthy) results. I just hope if there's a baby forming in there, that I get some symptoms pretty sure! I just pray it's healthy! No matter a boy or girl or both, I just want a healthy, sticky baby!! Fingers crossed!!
Monday, August 1, 2011
Trigger Time
My second u/s went very well considering three days ago I had two okay sized follicles today I had a 22 on my right and a 15 on my left. I triggered this afternoon around noon with the help of my nurse friend, Allison! I should ovulated 24-40 hours from the time I took the shot. Fingers and toes are crossed! Send us some good vibes and some positive thoughts!!
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