Sunday, January 30, 2011

Tic Toc Tic Toc

Just waiting for AF to start. I don't think I've wanted my period to start so bad ever. I want to get this show on the road but AF has to show her face before getting baby #2 ball rolling. Again, AF is in control. Here's to hoping she will show her face in the very near future! I just so excited for everything to happen!!

Happy Sunday

Friday, January 28, 2011

The Beginning


I'm starting my second blog to document our quest for baby number 2.

Let me tell you a little bit about myself. I'm Megan - 25 (26 next month). I have always, always had irregular periods. You know the ones that come and go as the please. Sometimes not showing it's face for months on end. Ever since high school, I've always had the feeling that something was just "off". I would say over and over again, "I'm scared I won't be able to have babies." That became reality a year and a half after my husband (Eric) and I were married. We both thought it would be a perfect time to start trying to make our family, a family of three. Everything would have been easy and simple but there was one little thing, I did not have my periods for over 4 months.

One month of testing, one month of clomid, one canceled cycle due to a cyst which lead to one healthy baby.

Now that one healthy baby, is my daughter Claire. She's now a 18 months old ball of energy and we are ready to make her a big sister!

Let the adventure begin...